Five Points Chiropractic

502 Pratt Ave NE, Huntsville, AL 35801
Five Points Chiropractic Five Points Chiropractic is one of the popular Local Business located in 502 Pratt Ave NE ,Huntsville listed under Chiropractor in Huntsville , Local business in Huntsville , Medical Center in Huntsville ,

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Chiropractic,The Information You Are About To Read Will Offer REAL HOPE For Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine and Chronic Fatigue Sufferers in Huntsville Alabama...

"Discover How You May be Able to Get Rid Of Your Nagging Pain... Without Drugs, Side-Effects Or Surgery... And See What May Help You to Never Suffer Unnecessarily Again!"If you're looking for a way to relieve your're going to love the information I'm about to share.

Listen: Does any of the following apply to you?

You’ve tried everything and the pain just gets worse.
You’ve been told by a doctor "I'm sorry. You’ll just have to learn to deal with it."
You’ve been prescribed "Pain Killers" to alleviate back aches, migraines or neck pain.
You’ve been told that "It's All In Your Head."
You’ve been convinced that surgery is your best or only option.
If you can relate, then welcome to a website that may not only change your life but your entire understanding of healthcare!
In a moment, we’re going to tell you about a procedure that "cures" nothing. BUT… because of its ability to restore proper body functions… It can help to prevent and treat hundreds of conditions

It Can Prevent and treat Conditions Such As...

Recurring migraine headaches
Lower back pain
Neck pain or stiff muscles
Numbness or soreness in your arms or legs
Constant fatigue or lack of energy
Muscle spasms, sprains and strains
Carpal Tunnel
Irritable bowel; bladder disturbances
Disturbed sleep patterns

And a whole host of other problems ranging from Fibromyalgia pain to Shoulder Pain!

Dear Chronic Pain Sufferer, If you’re like the hundreds of people in Huntsville Alabama who are a bit skeptical about promises regarding your pain relief, you may be saying, "Yeah right, I've heard it all before. I've been to the doctors… seen the specialists... and my Chronic Pain is still there. My back still aches, and my migraines won't go away!"

Well, you may quickly change your mind when you see how you may be able to finally treat and relieve the cause of your back aches, neck aches, headaches, and other nagging pains.
More on that in a minute.

First, before you go any further, read the next statement very carefully. In fact, don't read even one more word of this letter until you agree to…

"Forget Everything Anyone Has Ever Told You About Relieving Back Pain, Neck Pain or Migraines... Because You May Be Able To Feel Better In A Very Short Period Of Time!"

Even if you're in severe pain and fed up with not being able to sit, stand, or even sleep without discomfort... even if you've been suffering this way for months or even YEARS... I want you to forget about those crazy promises, weird solutions, or diagnosis some doctors, friends, or even so-called specialists have told you.

You're about to get the "no hype" natural way to back pain relief... without all the glitz and glamour!


ear Friend,
My name is Dr. Sam L. McGough, and I help people who suffer from Back Pain, Migraines, Arthritis, Asthma, Carpal Tunnel, Sinus Problems, Allergies, and Whiplash. As a matter of fact, most of my day consists of helping people in your exact, painful situation.

Many people come to my office each day with severe symptoms, and within a short period of time, become pain-free. Of course, this doesn't happen with everyone. Sometimes it takes days, even weeks before the pain is totally gone.

We have an office right here in Huntsville Alabama and I love hearing or even seeing the tremendous impact our team is making in the lives of so many people in our neighborhood. Some of our patients suffered with pain for a long time. Some caught the problem in the beginning stages (very smart). But all of them, before they found us, were suffering severely. Maybe like you are right now.

The pain was impeding on their quality of life, stopping them from doing activities they enjoyed, and virtually ruining their zest for life. Every day, whether it was a night out with the family, or a day home with the kids—it was wrecked due to the incessant pain in their lower or upper back, neck, or head."Here's Everything You Should Know About Possibly Relieving Your Back Pain Now — And Potentially Preventing It From Getting Any Worse!"

If you’re suffering from nagging pain that won’t go away—whether it’s back pain, neck pain, headaches, or nerve damage—then please take the next few minutes to read this highly important information.

I want you to know that you may not have to suffer anymore!

Moreover, you could even PREVENT the pain from getting ANY WORSE!

Have you been frustrated by promises before? Have you been to see the doctor—or even perhaps a so-called specialist?

Listen: You could see 14 doctors, spend thousands of dollars on specialists, or even have surgery. But until you take this one action step that I'm about to introduce you to, you may not get ANY closer to living without pain than you have in the past.

It’s very simple: If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get the same results you always got before!

Now, don’t misunderstand me. I have nothing against doctors. (After all, I am one!) So don't take this the wrong way.

You see, medical doctors have the knowledge and training to help treat diseases, and even heal the sick. Often, they’re the best choice for diseased that only they can treat.

However, medical doctors usually prescribe pain pills or muscle relaxers for back pain, neck pain, migraines (etc.)., but that does not get to the “root” or “cause” of your pain. Pills just cover up the symptoms, NOT fix the cause.

After all, when your pain problem is affecting your quality of life… keeping you from enjoying time with your family… causing you to miss too much work… and stopping you from living your life to the fullest... then this problem requires that you find an expert who deals in relieving the cause of your pain.

Face it: If it’s beyond pain pills or a massage or ice packs or heating pads, It may be beyond your power to fix.

You need to find someone who may be able to find the cause of the problem for you. Someone who knows your problem better than you do—even though you’ve had to live with it for so long!

Now, I know your back, head, or neck is probably aching. You're in serious discomfort. So let me switch gears and start talking about the specific things that could help you experience quick, lasting relief from the pain and suffering you’ve been living with."Possible Relief from Your Back Pain— Once And For All!"

First, let me say that medical doctors are great at treating trauma and emergencies. If you are in a serious car accident, medical doctors are likely going to be your best chance for survival.

Let’s say you're in a car accident and you end up with a broken leg. It's clear to the medical doctors what the problem is. It's clear what's "broken" with your body. And it's equally clear to those doctors what they need to do to fix you.

However, with the kind of aches and pains many people are suffering from right now, it's not always easy to determine the cause. Often there are many factors.
As a result, many back pain sufferers end up doing things that make their pain worse!

For instance, many people think that back surgery is the answer. But decades of experiences have shown that when people get back surgery done, sometimes it does not give the relief they expected, and sometime the pain is worse!

Now, of course there are times when a patient legitimately needs back surgery. Some accidents and natural born deformities require surgery. However, for the average back pain sufferer, SURGERY may not be needed. This may include you.

The Four Secrets most back pain sufferers don't know (or choose to ignore) about their back pain."

1. Pain is a symptom, usually not the problem.
2. Pain IS NOT permanently eliminated by drugs (Most people think it is! WRONG!)
3. Your body is equipped to heal itself when proper functions are restored.
4. Pain gets worse by lack of body maintenance and poor physical health

If you understand those four truths, you’ll begin to understand why only good, qualified chiropractic care can get you from where you are (IN PAIN) to where you want to be…


That’s why it may be in your best interest to seriously consider taking me up on my new Introductory Offer, which might never be made public again...
I'm calling this my Chiropractic Awareness Program, and it's my way of introducing you to the many benefits of qualified chiropractic care. I've helped thousands of people feel better and live healthier, more productive lives through chiropractic care.

Chiropractic may be able to help you if you're suffering from any of the following conditions...

Recurring migraine headaches
Lower back pain
Neck pain or stiff muscles
Numbness or soreness in your arms or legs
Constant fatigue or lack of energy
Muscle spasms, sprains and strains
Carpal Tunnel
Irritable bowel; bladder disturbances
Disturbed sleep patterns

And a whole host of other problems ranging from Fibromyalgia pain to ringing Shoulder Pain!

These symptoms can be caused whenever the vertebrae in your spine are out of alignment. It’s this "misalignment" that can adversely affect your nervous system.

Chiropractors are uniquely trained and qualified to deal with the spine and the surrounding tissues… and that is how they can affect the rest of your body - through nervous system.

If something is wrong (thus causing pain), it could very well be because your spine is out of alignment. The misalignment causes an interruption to the nerve signals that come from your brain and go to all parts of your body.

Through correction of the spine itself and the surrounding soft tissues, we can bring the body back into alignment, which can help the nerve signals and impulses flow as they should, resulting in proper body function. This could allows the body to heal itself.

Fortunately, if you're suffering from such problems or similar afflictions right now, they may be treated and relieved proper chiropractic treatment.

If You Have Never Been To A Chiropractor (Or Haven't Been To One In A While), Then This Special Offer Is
Just The Thing For You!

It’s true! This offer includes everything you need!
Take a look at what you'll get…
An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being.
A chiropractic spinal examination to see what shape and condition your spine is in.
A set of specialized x-rays to determine if a misalignment in your spine is causing your pain or symptoms. (Note: nobody gives these kinds of x-rays FREE. They would normally cost you at least $100.)
Both a written and oral analysis of your x-rays and spinal exam results so we can see what needs to be done to help.
Helpful literature that shows how your body works and why you experience pain.
Answers to your most probing questions about chiropractic care and what it can do for you.
Does Chiropractic Really Work?

Absolutely! Here are the findings from the studies done by chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons:

Harvard Medical School Health Letter – Sept. 1990
"Chiropractic treatment of low back pain, which affects 75 million Americans, is superior to the standard regimen administered by medical doctors, a major British study has concluded. Chiropractic almost certainly confers worthwhile long-term benefit in comparison with hospital outpatient management,"said Dr. T. W. Meade, a British medical doctor who headed the study conducted at 11 hospitals and chiropractic clinics."

Federal Medical Study Endorses Chiropractic for Back Pain – US Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research
December 9, 1994 - A panel of 23 doctors headed by Dr. Stanley Bigos, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, studied 3,900 medical articles on low back pain. Their conclusions were that "Chiropractic manipulation of the spine was more helpful than any of the following: traction, massage, biofeedback, acupuncture, injection of steroids into the spine, back corsets, and ultrasound."Surgery was beneficial in only 1 out of 100 cases!

Low-Back Pain Gone
A group of 177 patients were studied who had been totally disabled with chronic and severe low back pain for an average of 7 years. They had undergone a wide variety of medical treatments but had not responded. But after a mere 2-3 weeks of daily chiropractic adjustments, 87% of them recovered.

No Surgery Needed!
Another study of 100 patients with persistent low back and neck pain were helped after just 3 weeks of chiropractic treatment. 86% of them reported that their ailment was corrected and none needed surgery!

Migraine Headaches Gone
In Australia, the federal government commissioned a study to determine if chiropractic care was effective in treating migraine headaches. 85 patients who had suffered from migraines for an average of 19 years were divided into three groups. One group received chiropractic treatment, and the other two groups received traditional medical therapy. All three groups reported some relief, but the chiropractic group reported superiority on all levels studied!

Would you like even more proof Chiropractic Works ? Then Listen to these comments from a few of my patients.

I had been in a couple minor car accidents and in the past years done chiropractic care. Recently my right elbow was giving me pain and I had trouble using my right arm. I decided to look into doing more than the previous “quick fixes” I had done for my pain and explore a more permanent fix to my pain.

Last fall I was at Art in the Park and came across a booth for this Chiropractic Hope Association Clinic and looked to see what they offered. They explained to me that they look into the deeper reasons for people’s pain and would I be interested in doing an assessment test. I agreed and my appointment was set up. My assessment was an x-ray exam, a motion and use test along with very useful educational information and an adjustment. The results of the assessment came back and my condition described me as a “car wreck”. They outlined a six month treatment plan for me that would actually treat my pain rather than just give me a “quick pain relief” fix. The first month of my treatment plan included several weekly chiropractic adjustments and massages. After one month I had a re-exam and my new x-ray results were amazing! They showed the movement that my vertebrae had done, along with how the curvature of my spine had moved about 4-6%, releasing pressure off the nerves in my arm and elbow. I could not believe how, within just a month, I could use my arm and elbow without much pain. The pain in my neck was becoming less and overall I felt good.

My care plan continued over the next five months, each month lessening the amount of chiropractic adjustments. Each month I was given strength exercises to do daily with my neck since now we were concentrating on the pain in the neck. Each month when I had my re-exam it showed improvement and my pain kept decreasing. I am now at the end of my six month care plan and am basically pain free. I am looking forward to playing baseball and basketball with my son and know that I will have “pain free” use of my shoulder and arm. I cannot wait for summer to get here!

I have always been a believer that chiropractic adjustments provide wonderful drug-free pain relief, but now believe it even more. This Chiropractic Hope Association Clinic and their care program took me from “car wreck” status to “pain free” status in six months. I, without a doubt, would recommend them to anyone suffering from headaches, back, shoulder and neck pain. My story in itself is an indication of the benefits one can receive from chiropractic care.

-Lorie D.

My experience started 40 years ago. I was in good health, able to do what I wanted. One day I was walking down a hill and lost feeling in my legs. There was much pain as every move hurt. The only way I could sleep was to put my right leg to my chest and my left leg straight out. Over time I could barely walk. I saw a doctor and was put on pain medication and spent three months on the floor with my legs on a chair.

Finally I went to see a Chiropractor and I was getting some relief, but I always had pain. The doctor was very good but then he retired. A lot of the time I had to wear a back brace. Having a fun time was stressful. I always felt tired and dragged out. I started to see another Chiropractor and it was the same type of adjustment – right knee to the chest and lay on my side and rock back and forth then push my back. Sometimes the area would turn black and blue.

Then my wife suggested coming to this Chiropractic Hope Association clinic– well, what are they going to do? So I went and we looked at pictures of my spine. I said let’s go for it. Well, I have to tell you I feel great. Some of the discs in the thoracic have been turned in their right place. The lumbar is doing much better. The strain in my face and body is gone, I feel more relaxed and am enjoying each day more and more.

-Leslie P.

Committed to your health and success,
Dr. Sam L. McGough, D.C.
Huntsville Chiropractic Hope Association

502 Pratt Ave NE
Huntsville, AL 35801

Map of Five Points Chiropractic